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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Go to New Blog Site

Children's Relief International has moved our site to their web page. Please go to
and click on our blog below Janine's.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Welcome to our Journal!

We are are so excited we are going to get back to Dondo, Mozambique. We will drive out of here on Sept. 15th and head for Denver to see our daughter Hannah, her husband Nick and grandson Jackson and also see our son Sam, then fly out on the 19th to Minneapolis to see our daughter Ruth, her husband Dan and our three granddaughters Jadyn, Megan and Raquelle. We leave Minneapolis on the 21st and fly to Atlanta, GA then on to Johannesburg, South Africa. One night there and then we leave on the 23rd for Beira, Moz. You can pray with us that the Holy Spirit will use us to His glory in Moz - that we will be true servants, loving everyone around us as Christ loved the church. Join us in Moz by way of this blog - we will try to post pictures and stories.