Many people are acquainted with the ministry of the Green Door in Dondo that builds cement block houses for the poor for $2500. However, the Green Door also repairs roofs, mud houses, and on occasion constructs mud houses for $800 for those in Project Life with AIDS. The need is great and the list is growing every day. Below is a spotlight of two families that are on our list waiting to receive help.
Tina sat on the straw mat across from me. She balanced her toddler on her legs as she explained her history. He first husband died and left her with five children. Another man took her as his second wife and abandoned her; but not before he left her with one more child. She now has AIDS, no job and six young children in her care. Her only means to survive is growing sweet potatoes and rice. I observed that her very small mud home was quickly eroding away. Maria Luisa mentioned that it wouldn't be long before it collapsed in the rainy season.
Domingo also lives in Macharote; a bairro bordering the African bush. He and his wife have two small children. Last year we gave Domingo a Bible upon his request. I mentioned the Bible to him and asked if he had been reading it. He nodded his head. I also asked how they were feeling since both have been fighting AIDS for some time. He spoke up that they had not been sleeping well. I assumed that they were fighting some opportunistic disease due to the AIDS but he went on to explain that birds were keeping them up at night. Wondering what kind of night birds hang out in Marcharote I probed for a better description. I was a bit amused when I discovered it was a combination of owls and bats. In this land of mosquitos and rats, both birds can be very valuable. But what he said next made me sit up and listen.
The night before, he had heard a noise from his grass roof and saw a large cobra (3 inches in diameter) fall down on his bed from where he and his wife were sleeping with its hood fully open and ready to strike. As he stumbled around quickly to kill it he noticed a second cobra curled up in the corner of the room. That experience would make the dead not sleep! I asked him to show me where he thought the snakes had gotten into his home. We walked into the two-room mud home directly to where he slept. I noted the great gap between the mud walls and his grass roof. Along the wall that wasn't deteriorated, Domingo had carved several scripture verses. After more investigation, his dilapidated door disclosed an ample gap that a snake could slither through. I wasn't surprised at his plight since the rainy season brings out the snakes. We prayed together that God would provide a safe home and better sleep.
Where do I begin to express the need here in Dondo? Many struggle to pay for food and putting money into their mud homes isn't even an option. The good news is that you can help. You can send any amount to Children's Relief International; PO Box 2470; Rockwall, TX 75087 (800) 570-2217. Please be sure to indicate on your check that it is for the "Green Door" ministry.
My friends thank you....and Jesus who is in you...for caring enough to make a difference.