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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Blessed to Bless Others

This New York team blessed the people in
Project Life with food this week.

Waiting in line for oil.  It was a blessing to receive corn flour,
sugar and oil. 

Ana....a sweetheart in Project Life.

I try to carry things on my head but I can't
balance it the way they do. Amazing....

This is a quadruple dedication day.  First, we dedicated
two houses in Macharote.  Jeronimo and Noemia and
the team from New York joined us.

The children sit and listen....well, maybe they are listening. :-)

With faith and hope we plant the seed of
God's love when we come into the bairros
and build houses.

We built two houses on one piece of property.  We allow
the recipient to choose their color scheme - bright and cheery!

Tomas,a janitor at the ROL, is given his
letter from his donor.  This is a powerful
connection where donor and recipient
can pray for each other.

At age 14, Benedito became an orphan like so many here
 in Mozambique. One of his younger sisters (pictured) will
live with him in his new house. He is an activista working
with Project Life and goes to school in the mornings.     

The last house we dedicated today is Simone's, my translator.
Though Simone has lost both his parents, some of his
siblings and aunt came to celebrate his new house.

Last but not least, Abe got in on the celebration too!  Jeronimo
prayed a prayer of dedication for our new GD truck.  May
God protect this little truck and its passengers.  As we were
blessed to receive it, may it be a blessing to others.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Praise the Lord for this day of rejoicing! Thanks for sharing it all with us! : )