Today we celebrated three Green Door houses with a dedication for three families who needed a home! |
The people of the bairro, our activistas, and church friends gather around the house to pray over it. This is Dorica's new home. |
The children listen intently to what is being said. |
Chica is receiving her key to her house and a letter and picture from her donor family. What a great way to show that she is loved and still has family. |
The children always show up for our dedications. Here they are learning to pray over a house. I am sure God is listening! |
I baked 25 dozen cookies for these dedications today. Truthfully, I do it for the children. It is the grandma in me that loves to see happy smiles because they get a homemade, grandma-treat. |
Children are always caring for children. |
What an opportunity to share the gospel with all the children that come to the dedications. |
Sharing cookies.....peanut butter, I believe. |
When I look at these children, I can't help but stop and wonder what their future holds and what responsibility we have in helping shape their futures. |
The activistas are having fun leading worship in song. |
When I am painting a Green Door house, I sometimes pay the boys that hang around a few coins to fetch water from a distant well. They are always eager to do that! |
Sometimes the children wait patiently for their cookies. Sometimes they can't wait a second longer and crowd around Noemia like ants to sugar. |
Rita is our third recipient. She has been an empregada (house-maid) for CRI staff for a number of years. Her baby son passed away this last year so we are happy to bring some joy back into her life! |
We are so thankful that we have the opportunity to build these Green Door houses. We have one more completed and being painted and two more in the process of construction. We could not do this without donors! If you would like to donate a house, $1500 will pay for a house and you can choose your recipient by going on to the CRI website: |
PTL! Pam and Phil Johnson thank you so very much for your ministry in Moz. Thanks for dedicating this house and seeing that it was completed. May God multiply the houses being built for the poor, the widows and orphans.
This is so awesome, what a beautiful way to show Christ love to so many. Keep up the great work.
What a wonderful answer to our prayers! We will continue to pray for land for the other houses so they can be built and there will be no need to guard the supplies anymore! Thanks so much for all you are doing in the name of Christ! So wishing we could be there with you right now!
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