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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Introducing Grace & Light Subdivision!

This is a first for us....we now have a subdivision in Macharote.
We built five houses here - and now we are dedicating them.
Noemia has named this Grace & Light.  It is by God's grace
that these people were blessed with a home and it is our
prayer that the love that brought these houses here will be a
light to those in the community.

I found it impossible to take a picture of all five houses as
my camera would have to be a really weird triple wide angle
with the capability of a few twists and turns.  Here are two houses.

Here are a couple more. 

We couldn't believe all the people that showed up for the
dedication today.  Phil thought over 300! As you can see,
lots of children!

You probably know by now I love taking pictures of
children caring for children.

The crowds gathered around to hear the dedication program.

Kids have caught on to bring their own
cups to the dedication and they get
to have some pop......a special treat for them
but maybe not the best for their teeth!

Jeronimo is sharing the gospel, government officials in
the forefront.

The kids waiting for the ending....then it is pop time.

I have to admit, she cried right after I took her picture. Some
children don't appreciate white women with cameras.

It is a bit boring when you don't have a clue as to what the
adults are talking about.

This is Vasco, Joana, and Pame's house.  They are patients
in Project Life.

Rute's house.

Fernando's house.

Chica previously had a house built for her
and now she is happy for everyone else
who has been blessed with a house.

Trying to divide pop among so many is quite the math problem.

I leaned over and said to Noemia...."Do you remember the
story about Jesus feeding the 5,000?  Well, I guess we are
going to see something like that today!"

I love the smiles.

Rute comes to our PL Bible studies faithfully.
  She is a very humble and sweet person.

The bairro leader is addressing the people.

One more pic....

Rute in front of her new Green Door home.

Some of the guys that have been helping with the painting.

Vasco, Joana and Pame in front of their new home.

Fernando receiving his keys from the municipal official
from Dondo. Thank you American donors who have
made this day possible.  You have reached across the
ocean, community to community, in the name of Jesus.
Welcome to our new Grace and Light Community!


Kathy Knight said...

Pam and Phil!

I am so blessed to see Fernando receive a house! What a truly divine blessing to a man who is so poor the average American would never understand. God's blessing to the family who purchased this home!

love your work!!!

jill said...

Such wonderful stories! : ) I cannot wait to visit the Grace & Light 'hood! Glory to God for how these people have been provided homes!