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Saturday, July 13, 2013

You'd Think All We Did Was Party...

It seems the last two weeks we have squeezed in a few parties.
It might appear by this blog that all we do is party!  Once a
year we celebrate the activistas birthdays at my house. So
I took the opportunity to take their picture after a great feast.
From the back row:  Laurinha, Cindy (CRI staff), Emilia Dias,
Josefa, Emilia Chingoma, Maria, Maria Luisa, Eliza, Pascoa,
Anapaula, Noemia Cessito (Leader of ROL), Val (CRI staff),
Front Row: Benedito, Simone, Inacio, Caetano, Carlitos,
(National PL leader), Maria de Fatima, and the little guy in front
is Joel, son of Josefa. :-)

John was in the middle of working on a car when
the women of the church showed up at their house
and gave John and Cindy a surprise going away party!

The women sang and grabbed Cindy to dance with  them.

Cindy did just that! Wow Cindy - go!!

It really is with sadness that we are going to say
goodbye to two CRI staff that have been here since July 2003.
The Piepers have decided to retire their missionary work
and go back to the States on July 22,

It won't be easy to see them go. They
received a lot of hugs.

Everyone lined up to get a hug from both John and Cindy.

Piepers in a blanket! (no...not pigs in a blanket!)
The women traditionally do this - and they
covered them in the blanket as well as
covering them in prayer for their journey home.

Everyone was sad thinking about
the Piepers leaving Mozambique.

It was raining....blending into the somberness and tears that were
being shed. Separation is always the hardest part of a
missionary's life.

Everyone posed for one last picture with the Piepers.
John and Cindy's absence will really be felt here in the project.
May God bless them richly as they return to their family in
the States. Please pray for them as they make this new
transition and those left behind as they process the loss.

This week's house dedications were for
two special women. Josefa, one of our
activistas received a new home! Before
she became a Christian, she had two
other children that her husband's family
used to take to the witch doctor but rather than
helping their children, they passed away. Then
before Joel was born, her husband
had an accident and passed away too.
In spite of her sorrow, Josefa rejoices that she
now has Christ and that God has blessed her
with a healthy son to raise. Today they have
a Green Door home provided by one of
our special donors! Josefa and Joel were
so thankful today for their new home.

Melita was our second recipient. Her mother and sister
are witch doctors but Melita has refused to follow their
footsteps. She attends the Mafarinha Bible studies faithfully
and is seen here with her daughter who is a widow.
Melita has four more children and her daughter has two.
 Melita's husband abandoned her a few years ago. They
were feeling so happy today to receive their new home.
Thank you to those who sacrifice so others can be blessed!

All ages of children show up for our dedications. Even if
they are too young for cookies!

More kiddies eating cookies.


Noemia always takes the hard job of passing
out the cookies!  How fast can you pass out
cookies before you get mauled? :-)