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Monday, August 22, 2011

Just Plain Fun

Today was the official day for the people in Project Life to
sell their baskets.  They were very excited and so was I!

They have done an incredible job of learning quickly and
each basket they do is better than the last.

The team from New York were great buyers!  They have a
lot of souvenirs to take home to remember Mozambique.

I stopped by El Shaddai today to check out the new playground
equipment that our interns built while they were here.

The kids are having a blast playing
on this new equipment!

I think the interns did a super job in designing and putting
this together for the kids.  It is a blessing when people
come here to Moz and use their talents to help the poor
and change lives for the better!

How much love has changed the future for these children!
From those that in the name of Jesus have given $ to build
El Shaddai, and those that continue to sponsor the children,
to those that come and make the school even a better place.
Aren't these beautiful smiles a great reward?!

It was great to see my friends one more time before
I have to leave for the States.

I have taken the sponsorship photos for
five years and have seen an incredible
change in these children.  Thank you
to all of you who have loved like Jesus and
been faithful to make a difference!


Renee said...

Beautiful baskets!

Hope Piirto said...

Pam! It's so encouraging to see pictures of kids playing on the playground we built. Thank you!

Kathy said...

It is so great to see happy on their faces and the joy of the Lord overflowing from their hearts. Thank you for being there to help them all in so many ways! Have a safe return to all of us! Lord bless us one from another while we are away from one another!