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Friday, March 9, 2012

Dondo Again!

We are back in Dondo. It's easy for time and distance to camouflage and numb the reality of life here. But like a splash of cold water in your face on a hot day, so was our arrival at the airport. The heat and humidity were as intense as a charcoal stove boiling water. There was loud wailing as we slipped through the airport crowd. A funeral was emerging straight from the plane. An accident in Maputo leaving 16 dead brought a loved one home on the plane before us so a lamenting crowd was increasing their volume of sorrow. We slipped through the crowds incognito thankful that customs did not scrutinize our suitcases. Prayers answered once again, we stepped outside ready to greet Mozambique.

It is good to see our family of friends and bring them good gifts. Although it was 100 degrees, the activistas slipped on their new coats with big grins! I couldn't even look at them for fear it would double the digits of the heat already melting me. Just seeing them again, hugging and laughing brought back into focus our joy in this mission to share Christ's love to a hurting world.

I visited four bairros this first week for the Bible studies and after the dancing and singing and Bible story, the Project Life patients voiced their prayer requests. My world will never comprehend the every day challenges these people face. More than one complained of robbers entering their small, vulnerable houses and taking what little they owned; two praised God that the snakes that woke them in their separate houses weren't able to bite them before they could kill them; one man in another house was bit, but God spared his life; another woman shared with me later that her sister was killed on Monday as she was tending her machamba (garden) from a lightening strike – her sister's baby on her back also died; many named their numerous ailments that AIDS patients suffer; they expressed their fears that the rice fields had suffered drought and several asked for prayer that their children would follow God.

It is with a thankful heart that we are here to share their burdens. As the Green Door moves forward to build safe homes, we realize that we come not on our own, but as representatives of a merciful God who really does care and love them. Thank you to all of you who have made our return possible!


sstrowe said...

So glad to hear you arrived safely. Next weekend our teens are holding Hunger for Hope-a 30 hour fast to raise funds for our friends in Dondo. our prayers are with you. Give our love to our friends.

Sue Strowe

Johnson's Journal said...

Sounds great Sue! Keep me posted on how it turns out.

ginny H said...

Checked in with Bob and Pat when we arrived home in SV. All seemed well. They both are in good spirits and he especially.
Pat thankful for your help on your visit here. Grout looked super clean.
Prayers for your work and those with whom you minister.
Ginny H and Kay.

Nisleys said...

So thankful to hear of your safety and that the luggage made it without any trouble. We are praying for you! Sonja